First Day: Monday, June 17, 2024
Last Day: Friday, August 5, 2024
Duration: TBD
Holiday: No Labs the week of July 1-5
For more information and to enroll:
Call: (310) 707-8538
The LOFT is a non-profit organization and committed to offering a personalized learning experience to all. To date, we are proud to say we have helped over a dozen families with reduced tuition assistance. Unfortunately, money only goes so far, and the LOFT’s scholarship fund and discounting ability has been exhausted. However, if financial hardship is preventing you from participating, please provide evidence of hardship to see if an extended payment arrangement can be made. We hope to have new donations made in the near future by generous supporters to help additional family’s financial needs.
It is through the generous donation of our community we are able to keep the cost for this premium learning experience so low. Please consider The LOFT in your charitable contributions. Donations help fund programs and extend our reach into the community to offer scholarships.
501(c)(3) 81-4355194
For more information and to enroll:
Call: (310) 707-8538