About Us

Learning should always be inspiring, fun and challenging.

Our LOFTY Vision.

“To inspire students to reach higher by creating an atmosphere of curiosity, self-discovery and big ideas.”

The LOFT academy is a dynamic, creative environment that offers a project-based, STEAM-inspired curriculum. By asking “Essential Questions,” students become more engaged and discover new pathways to learning.

Traditional models of education are often repetitive and do not lead to a deep, more meaningful discussion or understanding. Our academy builds on  the foundations and researched backed methods of Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTigue.

Our LOFTY Goals.

At the Loft our goal is to develop joyful learners. We stand by the importance of critical thinking, independence, and empathy in a 21st century global world. Our goals are not through standardized testing, rather though intuitive self-evaluation and (if desired) presenting their progress for parents and peers.

One of our Lofty Goals is to enable integrated learning across a wide variety of subjects. We provide the environment, facilitators and materials to explore big-ideas and develop projects that stimulate the learner to enthusiastically engage. We look for real-world problems for the learner to explore and solve in a creative and authentic way.

We accomplish this style of learning through a practice called Project-Based Learning (PBL). What is PBL? It is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a learn-by-doing approach that results in a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.  Learners have the opportunity to develop 21st Century skills such as problem solving, leadership, collaboration, written and verbal communication skills, and initiative.  These skills are all well developed in project-based learning.

Through PBL, learning goals are geared towards persuasive speech, collaboration & teamwork, and critical-thinking skills.  These are the types of skills our children need to be productive, empathetic, independent contributor in our society as adults.

Our compassionate and relaxed kids’ space inspires our students’ curiosity and confidence through child-navigated educational experiences and hands-on experiments.

We also use the growing library of “Essential Questions” curriculum to motivate young minds to pursue the study of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM).

At The LOFT, we believe it is essential to kindle a love for learning that our kids will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

“Always the beautiful answer, who asks the more beautiful question.”

Our Philosophy.

Project Based Learning (PBL)

PBL is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a learn-by-doing approach resulting in deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.  Learners have the opportunity to develop 21st Century skills such as problem solving, leadership, collaboration, written and verbal communication skills, and initiative.

Driving Questions

Our goal is to stimulate sustained and lively inquiry around an essential question. What is an essential question? These are questions that are not answerable with finality in a brief sentence. Their aim is to stimulate thought, provoke inquiry, and to spark meaningful connections that can inspire students to ‘big ideas’. 

Self Directed

At the Loft students are emboldened to follow their natural curiosities through ‘voice and choice’. In all settings we encourage a free exchange of thought from students so they may chart their own path to a particular interest.

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Our Approach

At the LOFT we provoke deep thought, lively discussion, and sustained inquiry. Students are encouraged to consider alternatives, weigh evidence, support their ideas, and justify their answers. Our approach is a holistic path that utilizes project based learning, driving questions and self-direction.
Curiosity driven knowledge

It is a proven fact, and no big surprise, that kids are more likely to remember what they’ve learned when the subject matter intrigues them.

Diverse teaching styles

Our goal is to help students identify the styles that work for them to prepare them for a lifetime of learning.

Exploration and experimentation

Rather than trying to impart knowledge onto our students, we provide the stimulation for them to discover true knowledge on their own.

An integrated learning experience

Involving all the senses and overlapping areas of study make new concepts easier to learn by building on existing knowledge.

Respect and social responsibility

Every child deserves respect in order to build self-confidence and encourage socially responsible goals.

Arts and design make STEAM

The arts and design are an integral part of turning scientific, technological, engineering and math knowledge into innovation.

“We believe we are all teachers and learning can be done anywhere - learning does not just take place in a classroom. We encourage the learners to also be the coach, both formally and informally.”

Our Facilitators.

We are all teachers and learning can be done anywhere - not just in the classroom.

The adults providing guidance at The LOFT are referred to as Coaches or Facilitators. These passionate people create an environment designed to stir a joy for learning stemming from the child’s innate curiosity and intrinsic motivation to gain knowledge, solve problems and understand the world around them.

Our goal as Coaches is to ask good questions, give hints but not answers, and redirect the conversation as needed to ensure the kids have control of their learning process. Coaches help scaffold the projects to assist with the learning process. The Coach helps give our kids “voice and choice” to ensure a high degree of interactive participation in the activities.

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What The LOFT is not.

The LOFT is not a traditional classroom. Our goal is not to merely deliver content to students, have them memorize and practice what they have been told, and then assess them on what they have (or have not) learned.

We do not teach students how to take tests or prepare them for standardized testing. Also, “grades” are not part of our program because we consider the processes of grading to deter from the vital intrinsic desire to learn and strive to do your best. 

The notion of striving towards a “grade” is an external motivator that completely undermines the joy of learning we want to cultivate in our kids. Our students assess themselves and their own progress. They are respected and empowered to evaluate their own learning.